
When was photography invented, in 1826 with the first permanent photograph? If we depart from the technologically oriented accounts and consider photography as a philosophical discourse an alternative history appears, one which examines the human impulse to reconstruct the photographic or “the evoking of light”. It's significance throughout the history of ideas is explored via the Platonic Dialogues, Iamblichus' theurgic writings, and Marsilio Ficino's texts.

This alternative history is not a replacement of other narratives of photographic history but rather offers a way of rethinking photography's ontological instability.


A History of Light: The Idea of Photography

“Theresa Mikuriya's A History of Light is a startling contribution to the history of photography, to the issue of the relation between philosophy and light, and to accounts of the history of technology. She shows how photography is latent in Platonism and makes powerful persuasive readings to support this. Plato's cave and its arrangement are treated as the description of a camera obscura; the Platonic category of chora is read as photography itself; the mystical union with God can lead to being blinded and is here read as overexposure; Ficino's description of the paradoxical nature of the ascent to light together with the need to bring divine light into the world is treated as a form of photosensitivity. These readings are a rich instrument with which to imagine the history of light. The argument goes a long way to think out Derrida's remark, ‘Every photograph is of the sun.’”

– Mark Cousins, of The Architectural Association School of Architecture, UK

Historia światła. Idea fotografii

Niniejsza historia nie jest w zamierzeniu alternatywą wobec innych narracji przedstawiających dzieje fotografii; stanowi natomiast przyczynek do ponownego przemyślenia charakterystycznej niestabilności fotografii na gruncie ontologicznym.


Cryptoglyph: Dialogues in many tongues in the hidden crevices of an open city


By Linda Lai and Junko Theresa Mikuriya


This book started off as a game. For approximately a year, on a weekly basis, Mikuriya would give Lai a photograph and she would respond with writing. Lai would give Mikuriya one of her texts and Mikuriya would respond by taking a picture. Cryptoglyph is a documentation of this exchange. It is a multi-layer work, at once a diary, a performative piece of artwork, a reflection on the two authors’ roles as educators in photography, critical theory and creative writing, and an exploration of the relationships between text and image. It is also a portrait of a modern city, a record of two women’s negotiations with the urban space in which they are immersed.

Journal Articles

Light Sensitive Material Special Issue Edited by Michelle Henning and Junko Theresa Mikuriya

“Light Sensitive Material: An Introduction” by Michelle Henning and Junko Theresa Mikuriya

Photographies, Volume 14, Issue 3 (2021)

“Becoming Plant: A Supplement to Roger Caillois’s compendium of le fantastique naturel

Antennae: The Journal of Art and Nature, Issue 53, Spring 2021

“Apparition, Aperture, Exposure: Revisiting Plato’s Cave”



ACT: Art Critique of Taiwan 78, pp 4- 17